Theses poles stand near the ones from yesterday's post. Enjoy the view of the Statue of Liberty from the Liberty State Park parking lot. This park has to be one of the most under rated in the area. You can walk along the Hudson River and look at the Green Lady (lower center) and/or Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, etc. A terrific place!
Oooohhhh!! Field trip to New York!! I wanna come!!
Sometimes it amazes me that she is still standing. I like the way it looks like every pole is slanted but the Lady is upright.
Cannot but help wonder what the other poles are for...
Wow - that is awesome! Just found your blog and looking forward to more cool stuff about your cool city!
What a fantastic view. I would love to visit New York.
a park like take a picnic and play frisbie park?...how cool...she's a beauty..
I can't remember just why I didn't get to go closer to see the statue of liberty when my family took a trip around the US when I was 19. We saw it from a boat in the harbor only. I was shocked that it was green.
Well, I am glad to see the grand old green lady still standing for our freedom high above the water. Yes, freedom is definitely a blessing and the significance definitely reminds us to count our blessings.
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