After half an hour or so, I went back to see that not only had I been taken but there was only a couple votes remaining. Of course! It was #2 All Time "shallowmike" who had taken the "challenge". We all know his alleged reputation for "helping" the vote along, so I checked over at my account. Sure enough, the screenshots tell the tale. [click for larger image]

Well, you guessed it, he "won". The little fella must have gotten tired from voting so much.

Interesting to note the previous battles for each:

I guess "shallowmike" feels the pressure from contenders coming up behind him in the rankings and doesn't trust the "quality" of his posts to earn votes. Thank you,, for making it so easy to catch such blatant mischief.
This is my all-time favorite post EVER! :)
Love ya, OH-TEE!
The first time I tried a Battle of the Blogs and nine readers voted for my opponent's blog (boring, pointless, poorly written, and with a color-theme reminding one of spilled Pepto-Bismol) over mine, in a time period of about three minutes (my, aren't people quick readers?), I got a nice consolation email from BlogExplosion, suggesting that I might win next time if I improve my blog.
I said, "Not if I continue to care more about fair play than about winning."
And that was the last time I Battled in the Blogs.
I have always suspected some foul play with the voting, but I didn't have any data like you supplied. Mahalo for a confirmation! Good job!
So here's my question: Did you notify Blog Explosion? Because I would think that they would want to know about the integrity of their Battle being compromised.
I use Stat Counter, too, and find some very interesting items there from time to time.
i thought you can only vote for a blog once from your account... doesnt matter about your ip. you would need 5 be accounts with 5 active blogs in order to vote 5 times for yourself.
I'm with Dan. It's a little confusing. Are you telling me Johnny has five seperate accounts with five active blogs that he's able to vote for himself with? Sorry, but that seems rather unlikely. I've battle Johnny quite a few times, and if memory serves, I usually beat him (if only barely). I'm just a little skeptical about believing this, folks. Forgive me... it's my nature.
Came by yesterday but could not comment. New computer and having trouble with my Internet connection.
Do not worry about this, Oti. You are the best, but you have to lose sometime. If he cheated, break his legs. LOL
This kind of thing really makes me sick. I've only been participating in Battle of the Blogs for a couple of months, and it's really fun -- but how is it fun to win because you figure out ways to cheat by padding your own votes? You can't say, "Wow, how cool, I won again!" because you didn't really win at all. I do find this a bit confusing, though, as some others have noted, because even looking at your screen shot of Stat Counter, I can't see how someone could fanagle a way to vote for himself even once, let alone a bazillion times. Probably because I don't have the mind of a cheater, which is a good thing. If you have to cheat, you're a dips**t, plain and simple.
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