Behold the "25pix Contest" square, composed of 25 smaller squares. Each of the 25 squares belongs in one of my posted photos. Find the whole photos by looking through the New York Nitty-Gritty archives.

A correct guess will uncover a square. Under each square could be 100, 250, 500, or 1000 BlogExplosion credits.
Play as often as you like. A total of 5,800 BlogExplosion credits available. To claim a prize, leave a comment with the number* of the "25pix" square and the title/date of the posted photo.
* Square #1 is the top row, most left; square #25 is bottom row, most right. In this example, square #14 is uncovered.
Number 6 is from "Imagine" which you posted on Friday, October 27 of this year. And it's my favorite :)
#19 is from "Unlit Tree: Part 7" and was posted 12-1-05.
Number 7 is from October 23, 2006 - Feet for all sizes.
I had to pick this one, this little girl is just adorable!
Great contest!
Good! I'm glad you enjoy the contest.
KizzyKim: #6 = 100 credits, #19 = 100 credits
Erin: #7 = 250 credits
We will figure out all the scribbling (handing out credits) later...Keep guessing!
#20 is from Bayonne Beam... 09-04-06.
#8 When Christmas Ends
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Cool Contest!
Came by for BYB Sunday and blessed myself with some credits. LOL
5. flood
Great contest. It was a pleasure looking through your work again.
3 More:
#2 My shot for Feb february-2006_26.html
#4 chopper Ave
#24 from 42nd street Chrisler Building
#5 Flood
Monday, July 24, 2006
#17 Subtle Reminder
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Hey, Oti!
What did I win?
Here for click and comment Monday. Have a good one.
Thanks for the credits, oti. This was fun.
I could not let the last picture go until I found it. Tricky, very tricky...
A Peek at the ESB
Friday, September 02, 2005
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