No wonder mobsters and other killers have found the East River, which separates Manhattan from Brooklyn and Queens, a handy place to dispose of bodies. In a word, privacy. On a rainy day, this particular vista offers one the illusion of not being in New York City at all.
Click to see a photo of a floating BODY.
sneaky bastid...got me..
im surprised that donald trump hasent built a high rise on that rock..
Am I morbid for trying to see a floating body? or just foolish for falling for your joke. Good one Otilius, you got me!
Was just surfing the Blog Explosion thingee, and came across your blog. Not only did I vote for your blog, I enjoyed it, bookmarked it and let me tell you
Your photographic skills are enjoyable. Most photographers could care less about what the world thinks about their capture.
You are going to be as big in your field as YOU WANT TO BE.
I can see your talent.
Keep in touch, I am a stupid truck driver from Kansas, But I spent a lot of my youth in places like,
New York, Tompkins Square Park, Golden Gate Panhandle Park San Francisco, Butte Park in Chico California...............
Your photos are awesome. Bet you never thought a 60 year old redneck truck driver would say that.
Grab all you can from life, but remember who invented life.
Or as we say in Kansas, who created all, so that includes Kansas
Oti-- I love this picture... I am a sucker for water shots. You got me!!
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