Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fence Fun

public art on a construction fence, Jersey City, NJ

Instead of a plain fence marking off some new construction, why not add some color and interest? Looks as though they like it fun in some places. Cheers to you, Jersey City!

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Anonymous said...

p a n o r a m a...wonderful!

Gypsy at Heart said...

That's nice. Metal fences need some prettying up.

Jackie said...

Oh I love the last few shots you have had up.

This one is great too. But then again your shots always are!!:-)

Anonymous said...

Whoever painted that should consider making prints for sale, it's lovely!

storybeader said...

reminds me of flower-power... so what's behind the fence?

Anonymous said...

on the other side of the fence? why, a luxury condo, of course!

Leet said...

I like painting
my blog about painting
and I think that painting so artistic

Cheers - Leet