Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dog Show

dog with dreadlocks, Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, Madison Square Garden, NYC

Hey, dread! My favorite dog backstage did not come from Jamaica but he loved the man in the kilt.

[132nd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden]

Yorkshire Terrier #28, Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, Madison Square Garden, NYC

You know how they say owners and dogs tend to look alike?


AVCr8teur said...

Wow, it looks like you were backstage where all the excitement happens. I hope I don't look like my dog; otherwise, I'll have a long snout with whiskers. Haha!

Sue said...

*snort* I was thinking exactly what you wrote about the small dog and it's owner and then I scrolled down... DAHAHAHAHA! You crack me up!

yellowdoggranny said...

which doggie won?...i love the terrier groups..

kml said...

Great shots! My thought exactly on the second image!

Anonymous said...

That is such a pretty dog, it is one of my favorites as well. I also like the chow.

Les Becker said...

The Dredlock'd Dawg.... unreal. I've never seen such a thing.

Anonymous said...

What breed is the dog with the locks? I've never seen one quite like it, although I once knew a black poodle whose fur had been allowed to grow into groomed locks. It looked amazing, but half the time, the poor dog couldn't see where he was going, and used to walk round in circles. The locks looked great, but the indignity to the dog didn't;-(

LJP said...

Yikes! I think they have the same hairdresser.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! I love that extreme dog.

Erik said...

Ja Mon. I love the dreadie doggie.