January 2nd began miserably in Seattle. Raining and blowing made it a morning to drink coffee inside. Later that afternoon, however, the rain stopped long enough to get some shots of the famous Space Needle.
Hey, enjoy yourself a double venti, if you will.
Sorry If I contacted u this way. Just wanna say thanks for the credits you've sent.
Just added u to my blogroll. Let me know if there's a problemm.
Happy Weekend!
Beautiful photography as usual...I particularly love the shot further down with the shaft of light coming through the clouds. Brilliant!
Wow, I miss Seattle so much. I lived there some years ago. Great pictures.
Journey Through Divorce
At first I was confused by the Seattle pic above given the title of this blog. I bet you're glad to be from NYC with the weather we've been having.
Sorry I was unable to accept your bid this time. I do hope you visit and bid again though!:)
Great space needle photo. I grew up in Seattle and was there only last week. The photo is an original angle which I like.
I got here from SSIPD so I guess renting works.
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