What I love about New York Nitty-Gritty is how, over and over again, Otilius captures the day to day absurdity found in New York City. A man poking his head into a huge vent? (Looking for God knows what?) You'll see all this and more, just by walking down the street on any given day.
A wrapped up Santa Claus? (Why not just bring him inside?)

A giant billboard of Moshiach? (Who is Moshiach? Why does he rate such space?)
There is also a great deal of beauty and unexpected color to be found just outside of NYC. I have always loved this "flood" photo from Pennsylvania, just because I think it's so beautiful.

Thank you, Otilius, for a year of great photos. I can't wait to see what 2007 will bring.
'moshiach' is hebrew for 'messiah', and the rebbe pictured is rabbi schneerson, thought by his followers to be moshiach.
Lucia picked my favorite, the "flood"... I didn't even know it existed until you had your contest. Guess I need to go back before I "knew" you and see what else is in here.
Your comments and captions are awesome!
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