Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rib Dogs

two dogs look on as their owner eats ribs

...and they don't get to drink, either!


K. Restoule said...

I'm sure the dogs are thinking "I'm not eating that".

Anonymous said...

Does the guy know that you are taking him a photo?

his pet is good, he's not eating nor drinking the juice in front of him/her lol!

Strong Moderate said...

You have NO CLUE how thirsty I am right now after looking at that guys drink... *runs to the fridge for lemonade*

yellowdoggranny said...

those dogs are going to pee on his leg before the day is over..

6000 said...

"Naked dogs get free biscuits" on his t-shirt?

WTF? Pervert!

Anonymous said...

give some for

Anonymous said...

Well trained dogs. My neighbors dogs would have been all over that in two