Tongass Trading Company, Ketchikan, Alaska, has 3 stores in close proximity to each other, all right near where the cruise ships land. These bright-colored, fish-themed numbers help distinguish the stores from each other and attract "visitors".
Thanks! I like that one, too, and only put the other on as an extra for ya. :D
If this had been your average photoblog, I'd simply have shown the second one on a separate day. But that is so lame. I have too many photos to treat this blog and you like that. ;]
I love the first picture!
Thanks! I like that one, too, and only put the other on as an extra for ya. :D
If this had been your average photoblog, I'd simply have shown the second one on a separate day. But that is so lame. I have too many photos to treat this blog and you like that.
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