Are they clouds? Are they tombstones? Are they hats, fingers, mountaintops?
Look deeper than the surface, add some context, add some depth.
Ghosts--floating forward, rising upward, toward me. Gritty grey faces emerging from gritty grey ground.
What do you see?
words: croaker72
image: otilius
I see 10-gallon cowboy hats.
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thigs that come or did you say things to come? hmmmmmmm loaded ideas to my mind :P
I see little Colonel Hats from Captain Crunch.
they look like phallic symbols to me
My first thought was cacti but I can't imagine that's right.
Derby hats in the cloudy sky. A bunch of Edwardian bankers ascending to heaven.
Junior graffiti. Ice cream sundaes. All the little bananas ran off with their chalk when the cops came....
Just stopping in to say
Happy BYB Sunday!
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a dirty mind .. ha! Happy BYB Sunday .. :)
They look like mushroom clouds, symbolizing what will happen if the 'great powers' these days continue as they do - seeing resentment where there is none and opposition where there that and much more.
How money is boss and a human life nothing unless it's someone you know. How we think too much, how we think to little about the important things. How some of us try to find out how the universe works when there is nothing to find, and others only try to survive another day - and how we don't realize it's pointless to find a simple answer which doesn't exist to fix a problem which is more than a problem.
How it's *us* against *them* and how some fight the other, how we all fight the other without realizing. And who knows, perhaps there's someone out there wondering why the hell we're wasting our short time on earth trying to find answers that don't exist.
Or it's a cactus in the Mexican desert.
Good answers everyone!
got shtein?
... they are Penii.
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