No fair! They say "we're open" and sell a "Rock Star Energy Drink". But how to get in?
I have no idea. It must involve secret handshakes or inside information--kind of like
becoming a rock star in the first place. Oh, well, I guess Mick Jagger and James Hetfield won't have to worry about regular Joes getting to their supply.
My favorite thing about RockStar? They sell a diet version - and nothing makes you feel sexier than drinking Diet RockStar.
Oh wait. Everything does.
knock three times and tell 'em joe sent ya
I guess it's open for the 'right' people. Sigh. That's the story of my life.
nice shot
Ohhh, this shot had my in fits of giggles.
The first place I ever rented, it was me and my best friend, it was a tiny two bedroom flat on the second floor of a block of four flats.
Somehow we managed to lock ourselves INSIDE the flat, and couldn't get out the front door. So we all used the window in my room which had a ladder.
Unfortunatly this caused a problem where everyone thought it was amusing to use that, and knock on my window ..
Ahhh .. funny memories.
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